Wide Bay Burnett Environment Council Inc
WBBEC is an apolitical, Not-for-Profit environmental advocacy organisation.
The Wide Bay Burnett Environment Council Inc (WBBEC) is an apolitical, Not-for-Profit environmental advocacy organisation. WBBEC members meet quarterly, usually on a Saturday morning in Maryborough or online via Zoom.
A member group of the Queensland Conservation Council, WBBEC’s mission is to protect the natural environment of the Wide Bay Burnett region through policy advice and community education. Our aim is the healthy and resilient environment that is essential to a vibrant and sustainable future.

Our Motto
Working Together for Nature
A member group of the Queensland Conservation Council, WBBEC’s mission is to connect, support, and empower communities for the protection and enhancement of nature.
Our vision is a healthy environment and secure climate for all in Wide Bay Burnett region.
Upcoming Events
Become a WBBEC Member
Membership is free for individuals, households & groups.
As a peak regional body advocating for environmental and conservation issues, WBBEC is keen to offer members of the Wide Bay Burnett community the opportunity to become members.
WBBEC always welcomes new members who share the same general ideals as us: the desire for a healthy and resilient environment that is capable of sustaining us all (humans, flora, fauna, soil, microbes etc) into the future.

Our approach
Our approach is consistently science-based and WBBEC’s spheres of influence include:
- Biannual meetings with the state Environment Minister and departmental leaders to advocate and negotiate on current state and regional issues.
- Supporting protection of the environmental values of the Burnett and Mary Rivers and associated catchments, while allowing for sustainable use of the region’s water and other resources.
- Providing inputs to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s management of the Southern Great Barrier Reef lagoon.
- Providing inputs from the community to the responsible federal and state ministers regarding the cultural and natural heritage of the Fraser Island (K’gari) World Heritage property.
- Making timely submissions to all levels of government and industry on matters of local, regional, state and national environmental significance.